Sunday, January 2, 2011

This, is My story.

Hmm. I guess ill start with the about me.

My Name is Theron, but i usually go by my CyberHandle, Trip, or TripH.  I Hail from the land of Michigan, near Detroit. I'm a self proclaimed nerd, not that nobody else thinks so either.. ((>.>)) I live with my Dad, Who works for general Motors. I Have an older brother who is enlisted in the US Army, Stationed in Washington DC, on the United States Army Drill team, Winners of the Joint service Drill Award 2010. (not bragging. Oh wait, yeah i am. :) ) I have a diverse mix of political views, a knack for tripping over flat surfaces, and spilling Pepsi all over my best friends house. (PEPSI IS LIQUID LIFE IN A BOTTLE)

In my spare time, i play Minecraft, Minecraft....and... Minecraft. In my non spare time I'm Usually playing Minecraft too.  When I'm not doing that, I'm probably either hunting, fishing, shooting archery, (2004 Michigan J.O.A.D State Champ in the Houseee) Shooting guns at the Local Gun club, or disassembling computers for parts sales. I also helped found Integrative computers, a Computer repair/sale/resale gig that was ran out of my friends bedroom. Ive traveled across the continent on several hunting trips, my farthest being to Kodiak Island, Alaska in '07. Now that thats out of the way, lets get on to why you're probably here.

I first started playing Minecraft in late September/early October. How i heard about it, was though my stumble button. An image came up, with text on it. It told the story of a player that encountered a Human NPC with Hollow eye sockets.  I was hooked. i procured a copy of the game, and proceeded to go into complete seclusion, with just me and and endless supply of Pepsi, and Minecraft. I was wrapped up in its simplicity,yet its robustness. I felt like every time i started a new map, i was washing up on the shore of my own subconscious. (Inception anyone? :D) Needless to say i told everyone that would listen about the awesomeness that was Minecraft.

I was hooked.  When Christmas started coming around, i asked for it for Christmas, stressing the end of Alpha, and the discount, and the free updates. (13 USD total? Great deal) I saw a lot of potential in the game, being an avid RPG gamer. but unlike all the games that I've played, I felt that this game deserved my attention. and so on 12/22, Minecraft was delivered into my possession, legitimately.

Several Milliseconds later, I had a server! I found out real quick who i could trust and who i couldn't.

IGN: Toys, was the first person to come into my server, with his brother, IGN Knife_out coming in soon after. Not only are they trustworthy, they have helped me work out the kinks in the server, helped me learn the finer points of  WorldEdit, (after one 968 thousand block hole that destroyed alot of good work. My b, yo.) and Hey0.

There is still a lot of work to do to build what i hope is a successful clan, and it started with this here blog.

If any of you are of my server, and wish to showcase your creations, email them to
post them to  

You can also use the above link to play on my server, if you feel so inclined. (DO IT! DO IT NOW!)

Cheers. :)


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